Saturday, April 5, 2008

Science is Fun!

We are fortunate to live near a city that has a great hands-on science museum. Today, Oma, Opa, and Uncle Noah [that's Grandma, Grandpa, and Uncle Noah to those non-German speaking members of our audience] invited Jack to go to the science museum with them. They let me come since Jack had to have a driver. :) Just kidding, I was invited, too.
Here's a picture of Noah and I getting our instructions for the flight simulator. Noah has never seen the movie Top Gun and I am apalled!!! I've not watched the movie since I've been a parent and don't remember the whole thing so it may be good that he hasn't seen the movie but he totally needs to see the scenes where "Goose" and "Maverick" harass the Russian fighter pilots. Noah can roll a plane with the best of 'em.

I'll give you just one guess as to Jack's favorite activity at the museum...

I think Jack could have played at the water table for hours. He also enjoyed these spinning discs.

We are definitely buying a membership. It's a perfect rainy day activity. Jack does not pay a whole lot of attention to all the exhibits just yet but even if we just go play at the water table and walk around and get some energy worked out it's worth it. We did not even see the aquarium today and I really think Jack will like that too. Like I said, we're getting a membership. Watch for more pictures of the science museum soon! Thanks to Oma, Opa, and Uncle Noah for treating us to a great time today!


Sidney Peterson said...

i didn't know it was possible to use up their energy in a day ! there is hope yet ! :D

Marie said...

I reread my post after seeing your comment and I think you saw what you wanted to. LOL I actually just said "Get some energy worked out." There was no mention of using it up. The energy of just one toddler for one day could probably be used to supply power to Las Vegas (the city that never sleeps) for several years. :)