Sunday, June 27, 2010


Some people call it the terrible twos, others the tyrannical threes. Whatever you call it, the phase has arrived in our household. You know, the one where a child discovers he has so much to tell you but little ability to do so. He wants to do things all by himself but is not quite able. He doesn't need Mama but Mama don't you go anywhere! You experienced Mamas remember this--cuddly, snuggly baby one minute, foot stomping, demanding I don't know what the next!

I'm gonna admit I have cried over this just this morning. It is such a challenging time! BUT when I am able to be centered and calm, I can realize that this such an exciting time of growth and development and that is a good thing!

Please continue to pray for us as we help Jack learn as he moves through this phase that usually occurs when a child has a lot less muscle, strength, and size!

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