Friday, October 12, 2012

Found the "Surgery T-shirt"

Well, I guess I'm about as mentally ready as I'm going to get for Jack's upcoming cranial vault. My "surgery t-shirt" has been hiding in my closet for quite some time now. I have worn this t-shirt for nearly every one of his 12 surgeries thus far. And fortunately, Jack has not had to have surgery for awhile.

Before Jack, I lost a baby. I wasn't far along in my pregnancy and that little baby never showed up on an ultrasound. I became pregnant again soon afterward and was ecstatic when Dr. Sharp ordered this ultrasound so early in my pregnancy. It showed that Jack was growing to be our little boy.

I scanned the ultrasound and made this t-shirt to remind me and everyone else that God knew Jack (who did not yet have a name) even before he began to grow in my womb. I guess it must have also reminded me that God knew the child I never got to meet, too. The text around the picture is from Jeremiah 1:5 ("Before I formed you in the womb I knew you.")

Back when I made the t-shirt, I wasn't far along and we didn't have any reason to believe that our child would ever need any surgeries.

Then it came time for surgeries and the recovery room staff got used to seeing me in it.

It's just one of the ways that I use to remind myself that I'm not in charge here.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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