Monday, February 16, 2009

Long But Good Day

We're done! This morning, Jack had his left ear tube replaced, his right ear examined, an endoscopy, and a MRI then we had follow ups with Dr. Kohlar, Dr. Price, and Dr. Mandujano. Dr. Hung said that Jack's right ear tube looked good. It was open and the right ear looked good. The left ear tube was out in the ear canal. Dr. Hung put in one of the long-term T-tubes. Dr. An said that Jack's EGD looked great-no more bleeding or erosions. Woohoo! Dr. Kohlar took a bunch of measurements and said that he would put them together, compare them to previous measurements and send a report to Dr. Fearon to help determine the next step. Dr. Price said that Jack's MRI looked awesome. His subdural effusions are completely gone! Another woohoo! His ventricles look great. Dr. Mandujano was very excited to see how much Jack has grown and developed. He loved that Jack is tolerating his Bipap so well. It's been a long day but all is well and Jack did great! Thanks for thinking of us!
Sent from my Palm Treo

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