Sunday, July 12, 2009

Night Pool

Jack's cousins, Jeanie and McCahill have a pool in their backyard. They've been wanting us to come over and swim but we have not managed to make it over there at a good time or a good weather day for swimming until yesterday. It was night but it really wasn't as dark as this video appears. Bobbie took the video using her cool (sorry I don't remember what it's called) phone. At the beginning of the video, Jeanie and I (and Jack sort of) are chanting, "Night pool" because that's what Jeanie and McCahill call it when you go swimming in the dusk or dark. Bobbie is shining a flashlight on us so you can see us in the pool. It was like one of those old movies where the suspect is interogated with a light shining in their eyes. LOL

This year Jack is actually head and shoulders above the water. I kept his float suit on him just for additional protection but he loves being able to independently move about in the pool. "Night pool" was a lot of fun and we're going to try to get over there a bit more often. So many of Jack's favorite things in one place--cousins, water, outside, and walking and swimming and Mama, too!


Bobbie said...

Hey that is cool you put ths on the blog. I will take a better video next time, Thanks Bobbie

Marie said...

No, thank you for always welcoming us over whenever I call and invite us! :)